The following inservices can be provided in-house or off site depending on the preferences of the facility. This is not an all inclusive list. Please contact the HSC office for any specific needs you may have.
Resident Rights
Alzheimer's Disease / Dementia
Behavior Management
Behavior Programming
Behavior Tracking
Psychosocial Needs and Programming
Activities Role in Long Term Care
Culture Change Assessment
Processes Survey Preparation
Abuse Training
Activities for the Lower Functioning population
Activity Programming for the Developmentally Disabled
Activity Documentation
Social Service Documentation
MDS Documentation for MDS 3.0
Pioneer Movement
Assisting Residents Who Are Blind
Community Resources
Care Planning for Activities and Social Services
Communicating with Families
Customer Service
Resident Council
Depression and Mood Issues
Discharge Planning
Time Management
Staff Burnout
Staff Motivation
Advance Directives
Fall Prevention
Behavior Interventions
The Aging Process
Sensory Stimulation
1:1 Programming
Person Centered Care Plans
Team Building
Facility specific Inservices